
作者:心笙人气:22更新:2024-07-17 19:53:50



would quit smoking 想去戒烟 例句:Last time I saw her she was all ‘You need to quit smoking!’上次我戒烟了英语我见到她时,她一个劲儿地对我说“我戒烟了英语你要戒烟!”She beseeched him to cut out his drinking and his smoking.她央求他戒酒戒烟。

ぼく、禁烟してるんだよ。A:我正在戒烟 B:でも、またすい始めるかもしれないでしょう我戒烟了英语?B:不过,有可能会复吸吧。A:禁烟をやめさせたいの我戒烟了英语?A:你(到底)想不想让我戒烟?B:そんなことないけど、これまでの禁烟、长くても一ヶ月よ。

正确的翻译应该是:A:我正在戒烟呢。B:可是,你还会再开始抽的吧。A:难道你想让我停止戒烟? (难道你想阻止我戒烟)B:那倒没有。但是到目前为止,你这戒烟最长也就1个月呀。

attend the meeting which is( held)做了下修改 at the hotel the day after tommorow.Our monitor suggested that we should dicuss this topic together,This picnic is charged by me,I has provide many food which was their favorites.希望帮到你。如果有什么不懂,可以问我。祝学业进步。

things to do, so I cant attend the meeting to be held in the hotel the day after tomorrow. Our class monitor suggested we discuss this topic together. Im in charge of this picnic activity, and I have provided many of their favorite food for them.请放心采用。


quit smoking 戒烟;戒菸 例句:I was trying to quit smoking at the time.当时我正在努力戒烟。Its not easy to quit smoking cigarettes 戒烟并非易事。

戒烟的英语是:quit smoking quit smoking的读音 英 [kwt smk]     美 [kwt smok]quit smoking的例句 You cannot quit smoking too soon.你愈早戒烟愈好。

you should give up smoking you should stop smoking You should quit smoking.都可以。

吸烟习惯和健康的表达 Smoking habit:吸烟习惯。Smoking addiction:吸烟成瘾。Quit smoking:戒烟Health risks of smoking:吸烟对健康的风险。拓展知识:吸烟在英文中有多种表达方式,可以根据具体情境和需要选择合适的表达方式。

戒掉的英文是quit或give up,它是一个非常常用的动词,用来表示停止某种行为或习惯。除了戒烟、戒酒等常见的用法外,quit还可以用于戒除其他的不良习惯,比如戒掉咖啡因、甜食、社交媒体等。拓展:quit的用法非常灵活,它可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用。


1、stop smoking 读音我戒烟了英语:英 [stp smk] 美 [stɑp smok]戒烟 例句:I persuaded him to stop smoking.我戒烟了英语我说服他戒烟。Ive been told to lose weight and stop smoking 我被告知要减肥并戒烟。

2、戒烟我戒烟了英语的英语是:quit smoking quit smoking的读音 英 [kwt smk]     美 [kwt smok]quit smoking的例句 You cannot quit smoking too soon.你愈早戒烟愈好。

3、是 quit smoking。戒除某个行为当然要用动名词。smoke 用作动词时可以是“抽烟”我戒烟了英语,但 quit 后面必须接名词作为宾语。尽管 smoke 也可以是名词,但通常做“烟雾”解。


1、quit smoking 戒烟我戒烟了英语;戒菸 例句我戒烟了英语:I was trying to quit smoking at the time.当时我正在努力戒烟。Its not easy to quit smoking cigarettes 戒烟并非易事。

2、戒烟的英语是:quit smoking quit smoking的读音 英 [kwt smk]     美 [kwt smok]quit smoking的例句 You cannot quit smoking too soon.你愈早戒烟愈好。

3、是 quit smoking。戒除某个行为当然要用动名词。smoke 用作动词时可以是“抽烟”我戒烟了英语,但 quit 后面必须接名词作为宾语。尽管 smoke 也可以是名词,但通常做“烟雾”解。

4、戒烟的英文是:Quit smoking。戒烟是一个对个人健康和生活质量有深远影响的重要决定。吸烟是一种广泛存在的习惯,但它对健康的危害也是不容忽视的。戒烟意味着要克服一种长期形成的习惯,并且面对身体和心理上的挑战。然而,考虑到戒烟能带来的长期好处,这些挑战都是值得去面对的。

5、GIVE UP 和 QUIT 两者都是正确的。但是 QUIT 比较随便,比较口语化;而且可以用来形容很多事情,比如戒烟,辞职,或者做了什么非法的事情以后洗手不干等等。。GIVE UP 不仅可以用来表示戒烟,还多用于表示放弃一件事情过着念头。。

6、you should give up smoking you should stop smoking You should quit smoking.都可以。


stop smoking 读音:英 [stp smk] 美 [stɑp smok]戒烟 例句:I persuaded him to stop smoking.我说服他戒烟。Ive been told to lose weight and stop smoking 我被告知要减肥并戒烟。

戒烟的英语是:quit smoking quit smoking的读音 英 [kwt smk]     美 [kwt smok]quit smoking的例句 You cannot quit smoking too soon.你愈早戒烟愈好。

戒烟 = 停止吸烟、放弃吸烟……在英文中的说法比较灵活,以下较常见:I want to quit smoking.我想戒烟。I think you should give up smoking.我认为你应该戒烟。I have decided to cut out smoking.我已经决定戒烟了。

顺手采纳答案 戒掉 的英语是quit 例句:I quit smoking 我戒烟了。


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